The unit of measurement in the venture capital industry has long been the "fund"& a discrete pool of capital that a firm raises around a particular strategy, and then deploys by investing into companies aligned with that strategy. 长期以来,风投行业一直以“基金”为单位来衡量投资表现;风投公司围绕特定策略、募集成立相互独立的资本池&基金,然后遵循这一策略,对公司进行投资。
As a result, many successful hedge fund managers limit the amount of capital they will accept. 因此,许多成功的对冲基金经理的资本数额限制,他们一定会接受。
Sir Richard has a record of selling stakes to fund new projects and putting in limited amounts of capital into joint ventures. 理查德爵士有着出售股份为新项目融资、以及在合资企业中投入有限资本的记录。
One big hedge fund shareholder, David Einhorn of Greenlight Capital even sold off his shares last week due to the issue. 作为雅虎大股东的对冲基金GreenlightCapital的创始人艾因霍恩(DavidEinhorn)上周甚至因为此事卖掉了所持的雅虎股票。
There were different problems at the companies including insufficient cash flow to fund cash needs and a history of negative working capital, a condition that exists when a company grows rapidly, but which is unsustainable in the long run. 这些公司存在一些不同的问题,包括现金流不足以满足现金需求,以及营运资本为负的历史,这是企业迅速增长时存在的一种情况,但从长期角度讲是难以持续的。
A fund that seeks to provide safety of capital as its main objective will look for ways to protect your initial investment from loss. 一只追求资本安全性为主要目标的基金会想尽量使投资者的投资本金受到损失。
Hedge fund manager James Ellman of Seacliff Capital thinks removing the mark-to-market rule would give an immediate boost to the banks, and to the economy as well. 海崖资本公司的对冲基金管理者詹姆斯•埃尔曼认为,取消作市场标记的规则将给予银行和经济立即的推动。
The International Monetary Fund first estimated at least € 200bn of new capital was required. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)最初估计至少需要2000亿欧元新资金。
The plan is to take the fund the public on the Singapore Stock Exchange within 24 months, catering to the demand of investors for yield in a low interest world and giving the fund the nirvana of permanent capital. 目前的计划是在24个月内让上述基金在新加坡证交所上市,满足低利率环境中投资者对收益率的需求,也让基金进入资本一直充足的佳境。
Hedge fund is a pool of investment capital, usually organized as a limited partnership. 对冲基金将投资资本金汇集一处,通常是一种有限合伙关系。
The fund of organization of venture capital insurance is made up of financial assistance given by government and insurance premium. 创业投资保险机构的资金由政府财政拨款和投保人保费共同构成,创业投资保险的范围仅限于高科技创业投资项目。
Brazil has stepped up its currency war, a day after the International Monetary Fund tacitly endorsed the use of capital controls, with the announcement of the fourth set of measures within a month to help control its exchange rate. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)默示支持使用资本管制工具后仅一天,巴西便再次升级汇率战争,宣布了一个月内的第四套汇率控制措施。
The main defects of railway building investment and finance are short of fund, irrational structures of capital and unimproved supervisory system of the capital fund operation. 分析了建设资金短缺、资本结构失衡、资金营运的监督约束机制不健全是铁路建设投资中存在的主要问题;
The interest rate is the time value of fund, is the price of capital, which is a special production element. The interest rate adjustment influence on macroscopic and microscopic economy critically. 利率是资金的时间价值,是资本这一特殊生产要素的价格,利率的调整对于宏观经济与微观经济都具有重要影响。
Securities investment fund should be the mainstream of the capital in the securities market. 投资基金将成为证券市场的主流资金。中国的投资基金流动形态上应逐步从封闭型走向开放型,同时逐步发展公司型的投资基金。
We want that from the society, the fund start with the relation of the capital market, passing the theories to study with them. 笔者想从社会保障基金和资本市场的关系着手,通过理论和现实两层面来较为系统地探讨二者的关系。
The floatation of the loan is implemented by the combination of the fund balance and optimization of the capital structure. 在筹融资方面,坚持资金有效平衡与资本结构优化相结合;
Meanwhile, the transformation of fund supply system, the maturing of capital market and the diversification of raising-fund channels, all has created conditions for autonomous corporate financing and has made the study of corporate financing sensible and meaningful. 而资金供给制度的改革,资本市场的培育,融资渠道的多元化,为企业自主融资创造了条件,也使企业融资问题的研究具有现实的意义。
The reform of the fund supply, the cultivation of the capital market, the pluralism of the financing channel, have created conditions for enterprises to gain low cost financing. 资金供给制度的变革,资本市场的培育,融资渠道的多元化,为企业低成本的自主融资创造了条件。
Sport enterprises can adopt different tax planning based on their self-financing methods, and effectively promote internal accumulation of fund, improve the efficiency of capital operation. 体育企业根据自身融资方式可以采取不同的税务筹划,能够有效的促进资金的内部积累,改善企业的资本运行效率。
Shortage of fund, drain of fund and difficulty in capital formation caused by lack of financial innovation so far still restrict economic development in western China. 金融创新不足引起的资金短缺、资金流失、资本形成困难,至今仍制约着我国西部经济的发展。
It helps to solve the inconsistent unified strategies adopted in the international fund raising of the Chinese capital market arising from the historic situations. It facilitates the progress of the internationalization of the capital market. 帮助解决我国因历史原因,产生各种资本市场国际化融资方式缺乏统一的战略协调,促进我国资本市场国际化的进程。
These solutions are to innovate on the institutional environment to make Limited Partnership and Trust Fund the dominant forms of venture capital institutions. 即从制度环境方面着手进行改革,从而使有限合伙制和信托基金制这些效率高的组织形式能在我国取得合法地位,进而成为风险投资机构组织形式的主流。
The performance evaluation of the industry investment fund is a basis for judgment of equity capital growth for investors, and financing activities for financing companies. 对投资者、融资企业来说,产业基金业绩评价是判断是否实现投资增值、是否能进一步融资的标准。
However, public and private departments have different purposes in the course of their cooperation. Public departments hope to solve their fund problem by taking advantage of the capital, while private departments hope to gain great returns on the investment. 但是在公私两大部门的合作过程中,双方的追求目标不同,公共部门希望利用私有资本解决资金缺口,私营部门则希望投入资本获得较大的投资回报。
The special fund of land-losing compensation include: capital sources According land transactions model analysis intuitive; Fund uses According farmland value Theory fully consider land farmers security function; the Fund operations and oversight management also analyzed discussed. 对于失地补偿特别基金的探讨包括:资金来源方面提出由政府来出资;基金用途方面根据农地价值理论,充分考虑土地对农民的保障功能;对基金的运营和监督管理也进行了分析探讨。
Private Equity fund is the base of the multi-level Capital Market. 私募股权基金更是推动建立多层次资本市场的基础。
Through the qualitative analysis of foreign capital direct investment of our country, we can find that the acceleration rate of fund scale of foreign capital is reduced but the quality improved and most of it is focus on manufacturing. 通过对外商对我国直接投资的定性分析,得出了外商对我国的直接投资的资金规模增速将会减少,但质量相对提高并主要集中在制造业的结论。